sepintas kecerewetan

Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

My Playground

Inspired by Pinterest finds and the other thoughts, I made a design for my working-space, a.k.a my playground.  

I need a special zone to create things out from my visual dreams, and to make absurd music.  Oh, haven't mentioed my literature obsession.  

So here's my design: 

Imagine a room with cute tables, completed with an iMac (nice epic monitor, thank you). 
And yes, a little printer and scanner is absolutely important! 
Beside the computer table, there's the manual world.  I'll put a lot of markers, pencil colours, paints, and other tools there.  And I want the drawing table to be 45 degrees like that.  For a better body posture and to make things more balance. 

And why do I put a carpet in the centre? Because I need freedom! I need a room to breathe, to relax, and to straighten my legs.  To read magazines and books, and maybe to sing with a ukulele accompaniment.  And to play with my furry pet (whether it's a cat or dog or rabbit).  

Yes, plus, windows with backyard background is my priority.  Oxygen, please! :D

C'est tout
Alors, je veux introduite mes amis dans la classe IFI maintenant: 


Mademoiselle Maya, une belle professeur. 
Et moi, Mia, Tanti, Regi, Sienta, Resti, et Amimah. 

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 Mon Samedi est spéciale avec leur! :D

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